Monday, September 15, 2008

The slacking continues when it comes to updating this! OOPS!

I'm still running and working out and all of that good stuff. Life has been pretty busy lately between family and work and play. There are all sorts of things in the works at home so that has been very time consuming lately.

As for the running, I've been taking things pretty slow lately. I did buy a little knee band that has seemed to help. And...its pink so its even got some a little bit of cute factor about it! I ran three days last week but never went over three miles. I've really been babying the knee and it seems to have helped. I've had no pain at all lately so I should be back on the normal schedule pretty quickly.

I had my mom check with Chris about dates for personal training while I'm in June Lake. As luck would have it, he will be in Kona, Hawaii on the 11th for the 2008 Ironman race! Of course! He will be back towards the end of the week so I should still get to meet with him. Unfortunately, it probably won't be the training session I was hoping for but that is completely understandable!

Today is a light week for running. 3 miles on Tuesday/Thursday and 4 miles for Sunday Runday!

"Good things come slow - especially in distance running." - Bill Dellinger


Robin Hart said...

I think he has competed about 11 times or more. And to get to compete you have to place/win a qualifying race. He says he is not a good runner, just good at all 3 events.

On my home front, I have been on the treadmill for 2 to 3 miles 4 of the last 5 days and worked out with Chris for an hour on Tues.

*Michelle* said...

Great job, Mom! Very proud of you!