Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tough Luck

Tuesday was a short run day. I only had two miles to run so it wasn't a big deal but my knee was going to determine how far I went. I made sure that I stretched really good before I started and I walked a quarter mile to warm up my IT band. Everything was fine initially. I started running and had no pain...until I hit 1.25 miles. My knee instantly started hurting with the exact same pain from Sunday. So, as I had been told, I stopped immediately and just walked back to the car. I was extremely disappointed that I couldn't go any further. I guess that I had not let it rest enough. I have been icing it here and there still and doing some stretching with it as well. It has not hurt at all - aside from that particular run.

Yesterday was a gym day so I finally made it there about 8:00 last night. I worked arm, chest and abs again. I'm really starting to lean up throughout my upper body! I'm working on a clean eating diet right now so that I can get this layer of fat off the top of my abs. I'm ready for them to pop! I seriously never EVER thought that I would want to be in shape like this but I'm totally into it right now. I don't think that I'll ever be into that bodybuilding stuff but check this girl out. Jamie Eason I don't want to be as big as she is but she is very lean but still has a very feminine look. I'm not into that muscly, boy look. No thanks! I just want to be little and lean :) And...I'm on my way there!

Today is supposed to be a run day but I think I will probably lay off the knee for a few more days. I want to run so bad but I do not want this IT issue to become a serious problem vs just the nuisance that it is now. So...a few more days of babying it and then I'll be ready to roll...HOPEFULLY!

As for life, the boys are better! Hurricane Gustav is headed our direction so John has been going crazy with all of the preparations for it with work. Work is kinda busy for me right now since it is the end of the month. I've been looking forward to the 3 day weekend but with Gustav rolling in...I'm not so sure how much I'm looking forward to it at this point! John will be working as soon as it starts to come in so it will be just Bodie and I! Worse case, we'll just head out of town to see some friends north of us. Or, maybe go visit some family. Who knows?! Either might get eventful around here soon!

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